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Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
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Pomógł: 2 razy
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Skąd: Białystok
Śro 14:21, 20 Cze 2007 |
Jest to OTS zrobiony na źródłach YurOTS'a, nowości w nim to:
-Bed System
-Follow atk system
-Acc in Game
For newest version 0.9.4
Tutor System
Private Chat Channel
Cla Channel
And others...
GM commands:
/a x jump forward x squares
/B msg broadcast message
/b nick ban player on ip
/ban nick ban players character
/c nick teleport player to gm
/i id count create item
/m name place monster
/summon name place summon
/t go to temple
/goto nick teleport near player
/goto x y z teleport to position
/info nick show info about player
/closeserver only gms can enter
/openserver everyone can enter
/getonline list players online with levels
/kick nick kick player
/up teleport up
/down teleport down
/invisible switch gm invisibility
/pvp x set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/owner nick set owner of the house you are in
/owner clear owner of the house you are in
/save force server save
/send nick, x y z teleport player to position
Player commands:
!exp show exp for level
!mana show mana for magic level
!online show players online
!house reload house rights
!frags show unjustified kills
!report msg bug report to hoster
Guild Master keywords:
found founding a new guild
invite invite player to e guild
kick exclude player from a guild
join join guild that invited me
leave leave my guild
pass pass leadership to another member
vice promote player to vice-leader
member denote vice-leader to regular member
title change member's title
House spells:
aleta gom edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som edit sub-owners
aleta grav edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio edit guests
alana sio "Name kick player from a house
alana sio kick myself from a house
- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you don't like some player's commands, set them access=1 in commands.xml,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- when you are using energy ring utamo vita is ignored (waste of mana),
- items 2441,2448,2449,2450,2487 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in players file.
- bugs in skull system (short time of redskull and skull for uhing someone),
- Bug in vip list
- npcs are ending talk if you walked too far away from them,
- when you set house owner with /owner command, player doesn't need to say !house,
- skull system is enabled only on normal pvp worlds,
- stone skin amulet gives you only 95% protection from damage,
- breaking into houses using "teleport bug".
Testowałem chwilę i jest bardzo dobry.
Ech...zapomniałem linku.
Post został pochwalony 1 raz
Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Skąd: Białystok
Śro 14:28, 20 Cze 2007 |
Server based on YurOTS 7.6
Features (and credits):
- bp/depo save (CVS)
- safe trade (CVS)
- cap system (CVS)
- buy/sell with crystals (TLM)
- house system (TLM, Black Demon, Yurez)
- skulls & party (TLM)
- server save (TLM)
- light (Bomb Da Brat)
- vip list (EleYurezntaries)
- npc load (Wolv119)
- anti afk (Tibia Rules)
- battle window (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules)
- summons (CVS, Tibia Rules, Yurez)
- gm invisible (TRS)
- rotating items (SuperGillis)
- ice rapier (Tibia Rules)
- construction kits (JTE)
- amulets: all but garlic and bronze (Yurez)
- rings: skill, might, tiYurez (Yurez)
- login queue (Yurez)
- guilds with npc (Yurez)
- pvp arena (Yurez)
- boh+hur+tiYurez ring (Yurez)
- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)
- destroy field (GriZzm0)
- exiva (Bryan)
- readables (Yurez)
- commands: /pvp /owner /send
- more options in config
- energy ring
- boat npc
- field runes
- simpler houses (DosMaster)
- learning spells (Yurez)
- promotions (Yurez)
- commands: /save /ban
- separate distance mul
- multiline readables
- healing summons
- damage fixes
- uh exhaustion
- rook system (Yurez)
- guild chats (CVS)
- key system (Orzech)
- item look for monsters/npcs (Black Demon)
- config: expmulpvp, spearlosechance
- commands: /pos /shutdown /max !uptime
- torches, candles etc. - in ammo slot
- all light spells
- low Yurezmory usage
- 7.6 protocol (CVS)
- OTB items & OTBM maps (CVS)
- day cycle (CVS revmagsys)
- wands & rods (Jiddo)
- premium system (Yurez)
- death list with time (Jiddo)
- lifedrain & manadrain (Yurez)
- garlic necklace, bronze amulet (Yurez)
- high levels (Black Demon, Yurez)
- utana vid & stealth ring (TLM, Yurez)
- monster blood colors (Tjin)
- real monsters (KaM!oOoL, Shogun)
- commands: /clean /premmy !premmy
- config: access*, max*, queuepremmy
- exani tera (CrazyToko)
- reload config (Smygflik)
- level doors by actionId
- simple quests by uniqueId
- gm sees item id and position
- multiple pvp arenas
- you don't get debug when you open non-quest chest,
- axe ring and sword ring are working properly,
- monsters lose invis after being hit by magic,
- if monster becomes invis player loses target,
- tutors get physical damage from monsters,
- you need premmy to buy promotion,
- Follow System
- Raids
- Monster disable after ** sq ( configured in config.lua)
- Działa Kosz
- Items going down or up, when you put it on hole or stairs
- Water, Lava etc. destroy items
- Parcel system (configured in config.lua)
- !buyhouse
- /giveexp
- Bless System (configured in config.lua)
- Depot Tiles Working
- Players online Record
- Zapisuje to co robi GM
- Animowane Advance
- exani hur up/down
- exeta res
- exana pox
DevLand 0.86
- Anti miss
- private channels
- exiva~
- Hicks Working (Wino i Piwo)
- /changesex (configured in config.lua)
- NPC moving (poprostu skopiowane z neverlandu.)
- BugFix (sever siadał gdy chciałeś kupic pacca)
- commands.log changed (Teraz zapisuje komendy wypowiedziane przez GM-a i NPC)
DevLand 0.86
- Luck System
- GM mówi na wszystkich kanałach na Czerwono
- Potwory upijają człowieka
- Zmiana koloru Expa za potworka (configured in config.lua)
- działający zegarek (pokazuje aktualną date i godzinę)
- wszystkie questy działają
- dodane nowe questy
- mały update mapy
- i kilka innych mniej istotnych rzeczy + bugfixeds
DevLand 0.93
- Bed System
-black square
- GM command window (modifed by LarvaExotech)
- Vote System
- Marriage system
- blueberry working
- Oraz jescze jedna opcją która zapomniałem (OMG NóóB plx)
DevLand 0.946
- Fire axe and fire sword atack with fire....
- Thunder hammer atack with energy....
- Npc turn to you when you tell hi --->opcja [ selfLook(cid) ]
- You cannot push player to fields (Remover, was bugged. It will be in next Version)
- Walking on Lava fixed
- Orange Tree working
- Bless System Fixed (was not work on last version)
DevLand 0.956
- Można wchodzić po parcelach na skałki...
- Level doors configured in doors.xml
- Atack efects (configured in config.lua) F axe etc.
- Life ring and ring of healing (80%)
- Follow atack (tak po 2sec dopiero chyba załapuje)
- Blue robe zwiększa atack magiczny (configured in config.lua
- Dodane statki i npc
- Bugs Fixed (naprzykład Depo, bohy itd...)
- Coś jescze?? (niepamiętam, ale możliwe...LOL)
DevLand 0.966
- Going up or down by parcels (removed)
- Guilds Fixed...
- addteleport/removeteleport
- Mystic Turban increase MAgic atack (config.lua)
- Soft boots (giving mana)
- Move up function
- Changed Follow system for BLAck Demon system
- When you click use, then character goind to this item.. nice work Ruly
- Exana Ani
- Burst arrow Attack effect CHANGED (Now it its like in RL Tibia)
- Now DevLand.exe is 350Kb
DevLand 0.971 (FIX VERSION)
- Dustbin fixed
- Window fixed (items.otb change)
- removed lv doors from file
- fields loading from map
- tutors talk ORANGE on Channels
- Djin Spell
- Paralyze (95%?)
- Monsters poisioning etc.
DevLand 0.987
- Soft Boots (configured in config.lua)
- No push player into FB, PB, EB
- Fixed exani hur up/down
- Fixed exeta res
- Little changed House System (aleta sio work properly, but you must change little..)
LINK = otsy.ots.pl/downloads.php?cat_id=16&download_id=20
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Skąd: Białystok
Śro 14:28, 20 Cze 2007 |
OTS oparty na zródłach YurOTSa
- bp/depo save (CVS)
- bezpieczny trade (CVS)
- buy/sell z kryształkami (TLM)
- house system (TLM, Black Demon, ja)
- skulle i party (TLM)
- server save (TLM)
- ?wiat?o (Bomb Da Brat)
- vip lista (Elementaries)
- spawn npc (Wolv119)
- anty afk (Tibia Rules)
- runy na battle (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules)
- summony (CVS, Tibia Rules, ja)
- niewidka dla gma (TRS)
- obracanie itemów (SuperGillis)
- ice rapier (Tibia Rules)
- construction kits (JTE)
- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)
- exiva (bryan007)
- amulety: wszystkie poza garlic i bronze (ja)
- ringi: skillowe, might, time, energy (ja)
- kolejka (ja)
- gildie z npcem (ja)
- pvp arena (ja)
- boh+hur+time ring (ja)
- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)
- destroy field (GriZzm0)
- exiva (Bryan)
- napisy na tabliczkach (ja)
- komendy: /pvp /owner /send
- więcej opcji w configu
- lepsze obliczanie obra?e?
- energy ring
- npc na ?ódk?
- fieldy
- prostsze domki (DosMaster)
- nauka czarów (ja)
- promocje (ja)
- komendy: /save /ban
- oddzielny distance mul
- wielolinijkowe signy
- leczenie summonów
- poprawki obra?e?
- exhaust na uha
- system rooka (ja)
- czaty gildii (CVS)
- wygl?d itemu dla potwora/npca (Black Demon)
- config: expmulpvp, spearlosechance
- komendy: /pos /shutdown /max !uptime
- pochodnie, ?wiece itp. - w miejscu na strza?y
- wszystkie czary ?wiat?a
- mniejsze zu?ycie pami?ci
- protokó? 7.6 (CVS)
- itemy OTB i mapy OTBM (CVS)
- dzie? i noc (CVS revmagsys)
- ró?d?ki (Jiddo)
- system premium (ja)
- lista zgonów z czasem (Jiddo)
- wysysanie ?ycia i many (ja)
- garlic necklace i bronze amulet (ja)
- wysokie levele (Black Demon, ja)
- utana vid i stealth ring (ja)
- kolory krwi potworów (Tjin)
- prawdziwe potwory (KaM!oOoL, Shogun)
- komendy: /clean /premmy !premmy
- config: access*, max*, queuepremmy
- exani tera (CrazyToko)
- reload configa (Smygflik)
- drzwi levelowe przez actionId
- proste questy przez uniqueId
- gm widzi id i pozycj? itemu
- wiele aren pvp
- config: rodrange, wandrange, freepremmy
-door system (SuperGillis)
-damage system (GriZzm0)
-!buyhouse system (gerax)
-namelock system (Rizz)
-anti missclick system (ruly)
-teleport system (Tibia Rules)
-npc walk (Subarmy)
-giveexp system (The Chaos)
-speed (The Chaos)
-raid system (Jiddo)
-record system (LooS!k)
-parcel system (SuperGillis)
-broadcast color system (The Chaos)
-monsters disapear of luring 50 sqm of your respawn point (The Chaos)
-follow system (Sapphire)
-bed system (gerax)
-blessed system (DimiGhost, Ja)
-gm command window system (LarvaExotech, TR
LINK = otsy.ots.pl/downloads.php?cat_id=16&download_id=18
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Skąd: Białystok
Śro 14:29, 20 Cze 2007 |
-Otb support.
-House system.
-Skull and Party system.
-Auto saving.
-Wand & Rod system.
-Best battle system
-Death delay effect.
-Blood system.
-Battle window.
-Berserk mana correction. (takes 4 times the player's level.)
-Heal exahustion correction.
-Burst arrows working.
-Fields loaded from map damage.
-Monster poisoning.
-Black Box.
-Aol working.
-First login outfit request.
-Teleporting to fields damage.
-No field pushing.
-Throwing items to other floors.
-Item stacking.
-Public account variable.
-Npc Buy/Sell.
-Npc loading.
-Magic rope.
-Exeta res.
-Wild Growth.
-Utana vid.
-Boh & time ring working.
-Ice rapier working.
-Light system.
-Thrown items are replaced in ground.
-Monsters invisible.
-Paralyze system.
-Rings working. (Except might ring, which works as an amulet..amulets not ready yet.)
-Extra monster spells.
-Vampire turning into bat.
LINK = otsy.ots.pl/downloads.php?cat_id=16&download_id=12
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Skąd: Białystok
Śro 14:30, 20 Cze 2007 |
- bp/depo save (CVS)
- safe trade (CVS)
- cap system (CVS)
- buy/sell with crystals (TLM)
- house system (TLM, Black Demon, Yurez)
- skulls & party (TLM)
- server save (TLM)
- light (Bomb Da Brat)
- vip list (Elementaries)
- npc load (Wolv119)
- anti afk (Tibia Rules)
- battle window (Skulldiggers, Tibia Rules)
- summons (CVS, Tibia Rules, Yurez)
- gm invisible (TRS)
- rotating items (SuperGillis)
- ice rapier (Tibia Rules)
- construction kits (JTE)
- amulets: all but garlic and bronze (Yurez)
- rings: skill, might, time (Yurez)
- login queue (Yurez)
- guilds with npc (Yurez)
- pvp arena (Yurez)
- boh+hur+time ring (Yurez)
YurOTS 0.9.1
- burst arrow (Skulldiggers)
- destroy field (GriZzm0)
- exiva (Bryan)
- readables (Yurez)
- commands: /pvp /owner /send
- more options in config
- energy ring
- boat npc
- field runes
YurOTS 0.9.2
- simpler houses (DosMaster)
- learning spells (Yurez)
- promotions (Yurez)
- commands: /save /ban
- separate distance mul
- multiline readables
- healing summons
- damage fixes
- uh exhaustion
YurOTS 0.9.3
- rook system (Yurez)
- guild chats (CVS)
- key system (Orzech)
- item look for monsters/npcs (Black Demon)
- config: expmulpvp, spearlosechance
- commands: /pos /shutdown /max !uptime
- torches, candles etc. - in ammo slot
- all light spells
- low memory usage
YurOTS 0.9.4
- 7.6 protocol (CVS)
- OTB items & OTBM maps (CVS)
- day cycle (CVS revmagsys)
- wands & rods (Jiddo)
- premium system (Yurez)
- death list with time (Jiddo)
- lifedrain & manadrain (Yurez)
- garlic necklace, bronze amulet (Yurez)
- high levels (Black Demon, Yurez)
- utana vid & stealth ring (TLM, Yurez)
- monster blood colors (Tjin)
- real monsters (KaM!oOoL, Shogun)
- commands: /clean /premmy !premmy
- config: access*, max*, queuepremmy
- exani tera (CrazyToko)
- reload config (Smygflik)
- level doors by actionId
- simple quests by uniqueId
- gm sees item id and position
- multiple pvp arenas
Thunder Tiger 3.0
- Parcel system(Supergillis) work perfect
- Broadcast exiva "gold~(Tjinn,Escman) work perfect
- Parcel system citys configured in config.lua(ruly) work perfect
- Soul System (Mike2k1,Ruly,shappire) work perfect
- Exani hur up/down (Escman,shapirre) work perfect
- Exeta res (shappire) work perfect
Ghettoserv 2.0
-Drunkness System (Ghettobird)
-Secure Mode (Ghettobird, Ruly)
-Gms, Counsellors, Tutors talk orange in channels (Ghettoblader)
Ghettoserv 2.2
-Bed/Sleep System (Daten, Ghettobird)
-Keys & Locked Doors (Ghettobird)
-Better Map (Ghettobird, Ghettoblader, raven)
-Spritewand to "walk" on water (ghettobird)
-Pickholes (Ghettobird)
-Water, Grass, Swamp Randomizer (The Chaos)
Ghettoserv 2.3 [beta]
- !buypremmy system (Ghettobird)
- Premium areas (premmy tiles) (ghettobird, mtk)
- Helmet Of The ancients forge (Ghettobird)
- PiggyBank Working (Ghettobird)
Ghettoserv 2.35
- Map Totally updated (Raven, Knukles for finding it)
- Houses work (raven, Knukles for finding it)
- all actions for map (raven, Knukles for finding it)
- Secure mode fixed --Not sure-- (Ghettobird)
Ghettoserv 2.39
- Bread System (daten, Ghettobird)
- Exana Pox (daten, Ghettobird)
- Add Skill --/add <skill>-- (daten, Ghettobird)
- Warlock Invisible (Ghettoblader)
- /Giveexp (ghettobird)
- Mapupdate with working lvl doors and quests (aapje)
LINK = otsy.ots.pl/downloads.php?cat_id=16&download_id=9
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Czw 18:59, 26 Lip 2007 |
chce otsa XD Prosze o Otsa
Dołączył: 19 Cze 2007
Posty: 53
Przeczytał: 0 tematów
Pomógł: 2 razy
Ostrzeżeń: 0/3
Skąd: Białystok
Sob 18:05, 04 Sie 2007 |
ściągnij se :] to będziesz miał
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Nie 13:04, 05 Sie 2007 |
Sasuke132 napisał: |
Jest to OTS zrobiony na źródłach YurOTS'a, nowości w nim to:
-Bed System
-Follow atk system
-Acc in Game
For newest version 0.9.4
Tutor System
Private Chat Channel
Cla Channel
And others...
GM commands:
/a x jump forward x squares
/B msg broadcast message
/b nick ban player on ip
/ban nick ban players character
/c nick teleport player to gm
/i id count create item
/m name place monster
/summon name place summon
/t go to temple
/goto nick teleport near player
/goto x y z teleport to position
/info nick show info about player
/closeserver only gms can enter
/openserver everyone can enter
/getonline list players online with levels
/kick nick kick player
/up teleport up
/down teleport down
/invisible switch gm invisibility
/pvp x set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/owner nick set owner of the house you are in
/owner clear owner of the house you are in
/save force server save
/send nick, x y z teleport player to position
Player commands:
!exp show exp for level
!mana show mana for magic level
!online show players online
!house reload house rights
!frags show unjustified kills
!report msg bug report to hoster
Guild Master keywords:
found founding a new guild
invite invite player to e guild
kick exclude player from a guild
join join guild that invited me
leave leave my guild
pass pass leadership to another member
vice promote player to vice-leader
member denote vice-leader to regular member
title change member's title
House spells:
aleta gom edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som edit sub-owners
aleta grav edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio edit guests
alana sio "Name kick player from a house
alana sio kick myself from a house
- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you don't like some player's commands, set them access=1 in commands.xml,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- when you are using energy ring utamo vita is ignored (waste of mana),
- items 2441,2448,2449,2450,2487 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in players file.
- bugs in skull system (short time of redskull and skull for uhing someone),
- Bug in vip list
- npcs are ending talk if you walked too far away from them,
- when you set house owner with /owner command, player doesn't need to say !house,
- skull system is enabled only on normal pvp worlds,
- stone skin amulet gives you only 95% protection from damage,
- breaking into houses using "teleport bug".
Testowałem chwilę i jest bardzo dobry.
Ech...zapomniałem linku.
Nie 13:28, 05 Sie 2007 |
Sasuke132 napisał: |
Jest to OTS zrobiony na źródłach YurOTS'a, nowości w nim to:
-Bed System
-Follow atk system
-Acc in Game
For newest version 0.9.4
Tutor System
Private Chat Channel
Cla Channel
And others...
GM commands:
/a x jump forward x squares
/B msg broadcast message
/b nick ban player on ip
/ban nick ban players character
/c nick teleport player to gm
/i id count create item
/m name place monster
/summon name place summon
/t go to temple
/goto nick teleport near player
/goto x y z teleport to position
/info nick show info about player
/closeserver only gms can enter
/openserver everyone can enter
/getonline list players online with levels
/kick nick kick player
/up teleport up
/down teleport down
/invisible switch gm invisibility
/pvp x set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/owner nick set owner of the house you are in
/owner clear owner of the house you are in
/save force server save
/send nick, x y z teleport player to position
Player commands:
!exp show exp for level
!mana show mana for magic level
!online show players online
!house reload house rights
!frags show unjustified kills
!report msg bug report to hoster
Guild Master keywords:
found founding a new guild
invite invite player to e guild
kick exclude player from a guild
join join guild that invited me
leave leave my guild
pass pass leadership to another member
vice promote player to vice-leader
member denote vice-leader to regular member
title change member's title
House spells:
aleta gom edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som edit sub-owners
aleta grav edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio edit guests
alana sio "Name kick player from a house
alana sio kick myself from a house
- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you don't like some player's commands, set them access=1 in commands.xml,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- when you are using energy ring utamo vita is ignored (waste of mana),
- items 2441,2448,2449,2450,2487 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in players file.
- bugs in skull system (short time of redskull and skull for uhing someone),
- Bug in vip list
- npcs are ending talk if you walked too far away from them,
- when you set house owner with /owner command, player doesn't need to say !house,
- skull system is enabled only on normal pvp worlds,
- stone skin amulet gives you only 95% protection from damage,
- breaking into houses using "teleport bug".
Testowałem chwilę i jest bardzo dobry.
Ech...zapomniałem linku.
Nie 13:29, 05 Sie 2007 |
Sasuke132 napisał: |
Jest to OTS zrobiony na źródłach YurOTS'a, nowości w nim to:
-Bed System
-Follow atk system
-Acc in Game
For newest version 0.9.4
Tutor System
Private Chat Channel
Cla Channel
And others...
GM commands:
/a x jump forward x squares
/B msg broadcast message
/b nick ban player on ip
/ban nick ban players character
/c nick teleport player to gm
/i id count create item
/m name place monster
/summon name place summon
/t go to temple
/goto nick teleport near player
/goto x y z teleport to position
/info nick show info about player
/closeserver only gms can enter
/openserver everyone can enter
/getonline list players online with levels
/kick nick kick player
/up teleport up
/down teleport down
/invisible switch gm invisibility
/pvp x set pvp to no=0, normal=1, enforced=2
/owner nick set owner of the house you are in
/owner clear owner of the house you are in
/save force server save
/send nick, x y z teleport player to position
Player commands:
!exp show exp for level
!mana show mana for magic level
!online show players online
!house reload house rights
!frags show unjustified kills
!report msg bug report to hoster
Guild Master keywords:
found founding a new guild
invite invite player to e guild
kick exclude player from a guild
join join guild that invited me
leave leave my guild
pass pass leadership to another member
vice promote player to vice-leader
member denote vice-leader to regular member
title change member's title
House spells:
aleta gom edit owner (can be only one)
aleta som edit sub-owners
aleta grav edit door-owner (standing near door)
aleta sio edit guests
alana sio "Name kick player from a house
alana sio kick myself from a house
- guilds and houses are saved during server save, not when player logouts,
- if you don't like some player's commands, set them access=1 in commands.xml,
- if you want to place boss use /m, because /summon makes him your summon (no loot),
- when you are using energy ring utamo vita is ignored (waste of mana),
- items 2441,2448,2449,2450,2487 are for quests and cannot be moved nor picked (attribute questbox="1" in items.xml),
- ip ban lasts until server restart, character ban lasts until you set banned to 0 in players file.
- bugs in skull system (short time of redskull and skull for uhing someone),
- Bug in vip list
- npcs are ending talk if you walked too far away from them,
- when you set house owner with /owner command, player doesn't need to say !house,
- skull system is enabled only on normal pvp worlds,
- stone skin amulet gives you only 95% protection from damage,
- breaking into houses using "teleport bug".
Testowałem chwilę i jest bardzo dobry.
Ech...zapomniałem linku.
Nie 20:13, 05 Sie 2007 |
a jak zrobic te sQL czy costam do "crachonia" bo uruchamiam i mi pisze ze nie znalazl xD
Pon 6:56, 06 Sie 2007 |
ej a ten ghetto serv jesst pod jaka tibia
Czw 16:23, 04 Paź 2007 |
Sob 15:23, 03 Lis 2007 |
tylko zeee rapshid mi niechce dzialac i dajcie cos na 8.0 ) :/
Wto 13:49, 13 Lis 2007 |
ej prosze o pomoc nie wiem jak ściągnąc otsa z sieci pomużcie plx
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